
Faryar Shirzad Joins Coinbase as Chief Policy Officer

24 mei 2021 2 min gelezen
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Coinbase has never shied away from regulation. In fact, we’ve leaned into it over the past 9 years, allowing us to become a trusted platform bringing consumers and institutions alike into the cryptoeconomy. As a part of this commitment, we’re thrilled to welcome Faryar Shirzad as Coinbase’s new Chief Policy Officer. Faryar’s impressive experience — most recently as Global Co-Head of the Office of Government Affairs at Goldman Sachs — will be invaluable as we navigate the evolving global regulatory environment and work with governments around the world on critical issues surrounding the cryptoeconomy.

During his 15 year tenure at Goldman Sachs, Faryar played a leading role in managing the firm’s government relations and public policy strategy, regularly engaging with policymakers around the world to help the firm navigate complex legislative and regulatory developments.

Prior to joining Goldman Sachs in 2006, Faryar held several government positions, serving on the staff of the National Security Council at the White House as Deputy National Security Advisor for International Economic Affairs and as the U.S. G-8 Sherpa. He also served as Assistant Secretary for Import Administration at the US Department of Commerce and previously as International Trade Counsel to the US Senate Committee on Finance. He is a life member of the Council on Foreign Relations and in 2010 received the Ellis Island Medal of Honor.

At Coinbase, we see collaboration with policymakers around the world as necessary to unlock the full potential of the cryptoeconomy, but also as a competitive advantage for our business.

Coinbase provides services to customers in over 100 countries around the world, and we want to build relationships with policy makers everywhere. But, as millions of our customers are based in the U.S., we’re committed to helping the U.S. embrace the exciting use cases of our new industry by providing more regulatory clarity to the industry. As Chief Policy Officer, Faryar will engage with lawmakers, regulators and other policy experts to realize crypto’s full potential to fuel a more equitable financial system along with job creation, GDP growth, and innovation.

Welcome to Coinbase, Faryar!

was originally published in The Coinbase Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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