
The DeFi Drop Volume 28

7 jan. 2022 2 min gelezen
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In a recent interview with Forbes, Kevin O’Leary offered a bevy of opinions about the space and details about his own holdings – including $MATIC, $BTC and $ETH. The blockbuster quote? “I think non-fungible tokens are going to be bigger than bitcoin.” ( Forbes)

Vitalik, the founder of Ethereum, shared an end of year recap a number of milestones, goals and even shortcomings in the Ethereum community’s evolution. The reflection purports that the Ethereum whitepaper predicted DeFi, but not NFTs. ( Vitalik’s Twitter)

The floor price of Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) NFTs briefly surpassed that of CryptoPunks for the first time, with no tokens from either collection fetching a price tag below $200,000. ( Defiant)

The stablecoin wars are heating up to a fever pitch. The U.S. dollar tracking stablecoin of the Terra blockchain, TerraUSD (UST), has crossed ahead of DAI in terms of market capitalization, according to ( CoinGecko)

DAOs really are eating the world. But first, they’re eating each other. In one of the first of its kind, PieDAO announced it’s acquiring the remaining Basket DAO assets and integrating their community leveraging KPI Options. ( Pie DAO Forum)

The TVL (total value locked) in DeFi spiked over the new year’s weekend, adding over $15B between Friday and Monday, $85B to $100B TVL. ( DeFi Pulse)

The post appeared first on Bittrex.com - The Next Generation Crypto-Currency Exchange.

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