
Meet Bitpanda’s new VP of Product, Michael Keskerides

26 jul. 2021 2 min gelezen
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Being a start-up is not easy, but transitioning to a scale-up in a short time period is an even greater challenge that brings a lot of change to an organisation. However, we are convinced that one thing will always be the same: the importance of great talent. Michael, our new VP of Product, joined us to lead the product management and UX functions. He will support us with navigating the complexity that comes with such large growth by rallying the team around clear goals and strengthening the team to support achieving these goals.

“The impressive reality is that the team has built a platform that already facilitates automated investing across multiple asset classes, treating each agnostically with an entirely fractionalised offering. One of our short-term goals is to further simplify the investing experience for everyone using Bitpanda, to add more assets - particularly stocks and ETFs - and to build on our Bitpanda Card product, which has seen a lot of demand since its launch in February. With our Bitpanda White Label product, we also opened our investment platform to institutional clients who already have an engaged customer base that is keen to start investing via their preferred channel”, said Michael about his vision.

Michael joins Bitpanda from N26 where he led several product teams for the past two years. Before this, he spent the first three years of his career as an IP lawyer, having studied law and the arts at the University of Melbourne, Australia before transitioning into product management, in which he worked at several companies in Germany.

Thank you for being here Michael, it’s great to have you!

Want to work at Bitpanda? We are hiring and looking for great people who are ready to make an impact, right from day one. And the best part? As we continue to expand our global footprint, we’re now also hiring in the UK, Germany, France, Spain, Turkey, Italy and Poland.

Check out our current open positions and apply now!

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