
Don’t miss our DigiByte (DGB) trading competition on Bitpanda!

17 feb. 2021 3 min gelezen
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Our new assets on the block are already popular with our users - in case you missed it, Bitpanda just added Avalanche (AVAX), Aragon (ANT), BitTorrent (BTT), Ocean Protocol (OCEAN) and DigiByte (DGB) to our asset list for trading. Each of them offers a wide range of use cases and features and you can find out all about them here and here.

Our new asset listings would not be the same though without our users helping us to celebrate! So, let’s see once again who the best traders are among our Bitpanda users! Get ready to trade DGB in our DigiByte trading competition to win great prizes!

DigiByte (DGB) - three layers and five algorithms

You already learned DigiByte is based on a high-speed, three-layer blockchain that enables the creation of smart contracts, as well as many other applications. It is one of the most decentralised blockchains. DigiByte uses the UTXO (unspent transaction output) transaction model as well as five different cryptographic algorithms to authorise the decentralisation of mining. The DGB coin can be used for ultra-fast payment transactions. If you want to learn more, make sure to visit the official DigiByte (DGB) website here.

Trade and win great prizes with a total value of 100,000 DGB

And now, get ready! Our DGB trading competition starts at 12:00 PM (CET) on the 17th of February and ends on the 24th of February at 11:59 AM (CET). Trade the most DGB to win!

Prize 1: 20,000 DGB for the trader in 1st place

The trader ranked in first place with the highest total amount of DGB purchased will receive 20,000 DGB!

Prize 2: 12,500 DGB for each trader ranked 2nd to 5th place

The traders ranked between 2nd to 5th place with the highest total amount of DGB purchased will each receive 12,500 DGB!

Prize 3: 6,000 DGB for each trader ranked 6th to 10th place

The traders ranked between 6th to 10th with the highest total amount of DGB purchased will each receive 6,000 DGB!

Prize 4: €80 worth of Bitcoin (BTC) for 25 randomly selected traders

As a bonus prize, twenty-five randomly selected users (apart from the top 10 winners of the prizes listed above), who are not residents of the Republic of Turkey and who are BEST VIP level 1 or above and who trade any amount of DGB will be randomly selected to receive €80 worth of Bitcoin (“BTC”) each!

Bitpanda will make every possible effort to fully integrate DGB (enabling deposits and withdrawals) on the platform within the coming months.

Please note that the exclusion of the residents of the Republic of Turkey from being selected as VIP-Winners is based solely on the legal requirements of the Republic of Turkey.

Good luck everyone - trade DGB now !

You can read the terms and conditions here and we will credit the winners within one week to their Bitpanda DGB wallet.

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