
The faces of Bitpanda Pro: Meet Ben Seipt

9 feb. 2021 4 min gelezen
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Tell us about yourself. How long have you been in the team?

I joined the team in the summer of 2020 having previously worked at a hedge fund and as a professional basketball player before that. I studied Finance for my master’s degree and Law for my bachelor’s in the UK. Actually, my family is from Austria. I was born in Austria (raised in the UK), so when I saw the opportunity to join one of Europe’s fastest growing up-and-coming fintechs created in the heart of Vienna, it was a no brainer to apply.

Do you remember the first time you heard about crypto trading? What did you think?

I remember being huddled around a computer with a bunch of friends and hearing about crypto for the first time. One of my friends had just bought some Bitcoin and we were debating the legitimacy and potential of it. Feeling that I didn’t know enough, I decided against buying any.

Of course there is hindsight here, but this was around the same time that the Erik Finman story started - big regret! Since then however, with the markets maturing, ATHs being reached and the industry becoming more and more institutionalised, I think it’s just as exciting a time to be here and I’m glad to at least be involved now.

What do you enjoy most about your work?

The best part of my work is the variation. Genuinely, each day is different to the last. We work with really diverse partners who all have different needs and priorities, so things are never monotonous and it’s good fun making sure you tailor your approach to match. In this sense, there is a lot of problem-solving involved when ad hoc assistance is needed and it’s rewarding to be able to come up with a great solution.

Of course, a special mention has to go to all the people I work with, both internally and externally - everyone has unique backgrounds and experiences and it certainly makes the workday enjoyable working with each and every one of them.

What would you tell someone about a typical work day in the team?

Unfortunately it’s hard to give a straight answer here as there is no typical work day! Overall, we are involved in lots of things, from account management to sales, partnerships, coordinating marketing efforts, support and more.

We spend a lot of time guiding businesses through the onboarding process, so we work closely with the Compliance team. Being part of the Institutional Sales team also involves a lot of relationship management, so often you have to be a spokesperson to bridge all internal teams and our clients. Often, it is hard to stick to a defined schedule because of the fast pace of the industry and diversity of the things we work on, but this creates a stimulating environment with no boring moments.

What are some of the unique features of Bitpanda Pro?

Whilst not necessarily a usable ‘feature’, I’d definitely point out our regulated status at this point. There are lots of things going on in the background that ensure we are fully compliant with regulations and can offer a safe, secure and reliable product. We have really focussed on doing everything professionally from the very start, so as the industry continues to mature, we will be there as the natural choice for professionals.

In terms of user features, we have advanced order types and a really intuitive API set-up that we always get good feedback on. The documentation is published online and I’d recommend anyone to take a look.

Finally, what would you tell someone who is interested in joining your team? Any special recommendations?

I would say that it’s a fantastic opportunity to join a great team in a special company which has ambitious visions and is demonstrating its huge potential. For recommendations, it’s always helpful to have an interest in the industry so reading up on as much as possible would be beneficial. Otherwise, simply being a strong communicator and motivated learner is a great place to start!

Thank you

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