
Binance Community Content: Share Your P2P Video Tutorial ($1,000 in BTC to be Won!)

4 sep. 2020 2 min gelezen
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How do I participate?

  1. Follow the Binance Kenya Facebook page

  2. Join the Binance Kenya Telegram group

  3. Create a Binance P2P video that includes AT LEAST FOUR of the following aspects:

    1. Add payment methods

    2. Buy crypto with m-pesa on Binance P2P (mobile app/ web)

    3. Sell crypto with m-pesa on Binance P2P (mobile app/ web)

    4. Post an advertisement with m-pesa on Binance P2P

    5. Transfer funds from other wallets to P2P wallet

    6. Appeal an order

  4. Post your Binance P2P video tutorial on Facebook/Youtube/Twitter, and tag @Binance with the hashtag #BinanceP2P

  5. To participate, please submit your post via the mandatory form here.

Activity Period

September 4, 2020 12:00 (EAT) - September 18, 2020 12:00 (EAT)


All participants will share an award pool of $400 worth of BTC!

The top 3 video producers will each be awarded $200 worth of BTC.

Learn how to buy and sell crypto using Binance P2P:

  1. Buy & Sell Crypto on your Binance app

  2. Buy & Sell Crypto on your desktop


  1. Participants MUST trade KES in the video.

  2. The length of each video should be under 7 minutes.

  3. The best tutorials will be selected based on the following criteria:

    1. 50% based on the number of views that each video receives

    2. 50% based on the content quality as reviewed by Binance team

  4. Rewards will be distributed to eligible participants within 2 weeks after the conclusion of the activity.

  5. By participating in this competition, authorship remains with the entrant, but the entrant acknowledges that they will transfer the copyright of the submitted video to Binance. All participants grant Binance, including but not limited to, the rights to copy, edit, display, and publish the submissions. Binance reserves the right of final interpretation.

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