
On International Labour Day: Showing Appreciation For Our Customer Support Team

1 mei 2021 4 min gelezen
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The One Team You Couldn’t Live Without

May 1 is International Workers' Day, also known as Labour Day, and some Binance team members from around the world will take time off to celebrate. However, for many on our customer support (CS) team, their day starts like any other—with a cup of coffee in hand and some customer conversations over live chat.

On a typical day, our customer support team works in shifts to resolve incoming customer service requests from users across the globe. Labour Day is no different. Since the very beginning, Binance has offered 24/7 support to users. Whether it’s coaching someone who’s buying crypto for the first time or solving occasional technical issues, our customer support agents work one-on-one with users to answer questions and provide helpful solutions.

Scaling Customer Support During An All-Time High

In recent months, industry growth has accelerated as more people enter the world of crypto for the first time. On Binance, active user numbers alone have grown over 10 times, and our customer support has not been able to scale as quickly as user growth.

To improve turnaround times and serve our users in a timely manner, our CS team has tripled in size. In the meantime, we still work on a daily basis to identify, interview, hire and onboard new agents across the many languages we support.

One CS agent, who started during the bull market, describes the training process as a multi-stage affair, with “1 month to get the basics, 3 months to improve a lot and 1 year to master it.” Other agents agree that it takes a minimum of 1 month to figure out the basics.

What It’s Like To Work On The Frontlines

The most frequently cited skills that come in handy for a Binance customer support agent? Critical thinking and problem solving abilities, listening skills, attentiveness, patience, dedication, and a positive attitude.

“We are constantly training ourselves to be on the vanguard of the industry as it moves drastically fast. [Customer support] agents need to constantly expand their knowledge… to provide practical, rapid and efficient solutions in a multi-cultural and multilingual environment,” said one agent, who also noted that in his personal opinion, recent all-time highs have “brought a lot of new users interested in improving their lives by making smart financial decisions such as crypto.”

The Most Rewarding Part Of The Job...

Our agents responded near unanimously when asked what was the most rewarding part of their job. “When I receive a big thank you from a happy customer”, said one agent, who works remotely as a digital nomad. Another agent replied, “I love when people understand the concept and helping people is such a nice feeling.”

At Binance, there are few things as rewarding as helping users get the seamless crypto experience they deserve.

Interested In Joining The Most Important Team At Binance?

Kickstart your journey into the fast-growing crypto industry by exploring our open roles, including many on our ever-growing Customer Support team. Work alongside some of the most talented, hardworking and passionate individuals across blockchain, crypto and finance. Feeling up for a challenge? We can’t wait to hear from you.

And finally—Happy Labour Day to each and every one of our Customer Support agents for working tirelessly to deliver the experience you, our users deserve.

What To Do If You Are Experiencing Any Issues

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