
Coinbase Cloud launches platform for web3 developers

21 sep. 2022 4 min gelezen
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By Luv Kothari, Group Product Manager, Coinbase Cloud; Sriram Raman, Product Manager, Coinbase Cloud

Web3 development is complex. One needs to learn new programming languages, blockchain technologies, and on top of that, there are many protocols to support. Coinbase Cloud is committed to helping Web3 developers do what they do best… BUIDL. That’s why we’re taking our experience developing Web3 products for DeFi, staking and blockchain infrastructure and making this technology accessible for free to developers around the world, starting with the launch of Node.

Node empowers developers to build and monitor their Web3 applications from an easy-to-use platform with instant read/write access to blockchains and powerful data indexers to speed up responses.

Node, formerly known as Query & Transact, has been serving dedicated, paid nodes to enterprises for read/write access to 25+ blockchains since 2020.

Since then, we’ve been listening to the developer community and heard a demand for a developer version of Node. Which is why we are launching a free plan for developers building on Ethereum, providing self-serve and instant accessibility to blockchain nodes via API. Additionally, we are launching new Advanced APIs to simplify querying the blockchain and powerful new NFT APIs to developers around the world.

Available with Node

Node developer platform provides self-serve API access credentials, metrics dashboards to monitor and manage web3 projects, and developer resources to get started with web3 development.

  • Build faster: Build and launch your Web3 application in minutes with Node instant API access.

  • Reduce costs & complexity: Save on upfront costs and scale seamlessly as your usage needs grow. Node allows you to focus on your products and customers leaving the hard bits of scaling blockchain infrastructure to us.

  • Rely on trusted services: Build your product with peace of mind, relying on enterprise-grade security and high availability infrastructure.

  • Advanced APIs: Abstract away the complexities of building on the blockchain with aggregated and filtered data in one API call. Easy-to-use queries provide comprehensive data for balances, transfers, and smart contract events.

  • NFT API: Build your NFT app with a few lines of code. Get the answers you need to the most critical NFT questions including data about collections, user transactions, and tokens.

  • 120K daily requests: Intended to be enough to reach meaningful adoption without incurring upfront costs for infrastructure*. If you need more capacity you can upgrade to another available plan.

Node is available starting today around the world. We believe the most exciting projects in web3 are on the horizon and we can’t wait to see what the community builds! Get started for free.

Coinbase Cloud

Coinbase Cloud makes it simple to build dapps. In addition to shared and dedicated nodes, Coinbase Cloud offers a fiat on-ramp with Pay SDK, trading APIs, Wallet SDK, and more. Our vision is to provide everything devs need to quickly, easily, and securely build amazing web3 apps.

Get started with Node on Coinbase Cloud or check out the developer documentation for more information.

*This is not a guarantee. Needs may vary significantly on a case-by-case basis.

Features and services may vary depending on the selected plan, and some plans may be subject to subscription fees and/or additional fees, costs or customized pricing.


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was originally published in The Coinbase Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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