Cryptohopper Introduces Market Making And Exchange Arbitrage
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Cryptohopper Introduces Market Making And Exchange Arbitrage

Cryptohopper launches two brand new types of bots: the Market Maker and Market/Exchange Arbitrage Bot.

Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, The Netherlands - 11th of October, 2019.

Cryptohopper works against the clock to bring its users closer to complex trading methods in a very user-friendly way, like algorithmic and arbitrage trading. That makes it very easy for everyone to design automated trading strategies that run tirelessly 24/7.

The Cryptohopper arsenal of trading features hasn’t stopped growing during the last years, and today they are rolling out two of their biggest weapons: the Market Making and Market/Exchange Arbitrage bot. They are two brand new types of bots that widen the possibilities of their users’ Hopper to face the cryptocurrency market. Making them more prepared than ever before.

Market making consists of trading the difference between the bid (buy price) and the ask (sell price), also known as the spread. The market-making bot will continuously trade the spread of any market that is chosen. Select the market, and the market making bot will do the rest.

But that’s only the tip of the iceberg. Cryptohopper has improved the Arbitrage feature to the point where it has become an independent bot. The brand new Arbitrage bot will look for market inefficiencies in any exchange to trade them incredibly rapid and pocket small percentages.

Highly requested by users, the platform is proud to be the first trading platform that has developed an Inter-Exchange Arbitrage bot. Only with Cryptohopper, users will be able to take advantage of the big price differences between exchanges. A trading method that has proved to be incredibly effective in the crypto market.

Cryptocurrencies are highly volatile. One can be sure these inefficiencies will happen, and the Arbitrage bot feels like a fish in the water among them.

These bots are very famous tools amongst institutional and high-frequency traders. Whether users are a retail trader or an asset manager, now they can add to their trading strategy Cryptohopper’s powerful bots to beat the market.

The bots are released in Beta and are expected to be fully released on Wednesday the 16th of October. Want to join the Beta? Ask Cryptohopper staff members.

Create a Cryptohopper account in one minute, connect an exchange or practice with simulated trading and enjoy a free seven-day trial.

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Disclaimer: Cryptohopper is geen gereguleerde entiteit. De handel in cryptocurrency bots brengt aanzienlijke risico's met zich mee en in het verleden behaalde resultaten bieden geen garantie voor de toekomst. De winsten getoond in product screenshots zijn voor illustratieve doeleinden en kunnen overdreven zijn. Doe alleen aan bothandel als u over voldoende kennis beschikt of vraag advies aan een gekwalificeerd financieel adviseur. In geen geval aanvaardt Cryptohopper enige aansprakelijkheid jegens enige persoon of entiteit voor (a) enig verlies of schade, geheel of gedeeltelijk, veroorzaakt door, voortvloeiend uit of in verband met transacties met onze software of (b) enige directe, indirecte, speciale, gevolg- of incidentele schade. Houd er rekening mee dat de inhoud die beschikbaar is op het Cryptohopper sociale handelsplatform is gegenereerd door leden van de Cryptohopper gemeenschap en geen advies of aanbevelingen van Cryptohopper of namens haar vormt. Winsten getoond op de Marktplaats zijn niet indicatief voor toekomstige resultaten. Door gebruik te maken van de diensten van Cryptohopper, erkent en aanvaardt u de inherente risico's die betrokken zijn bij de handel in cryptocurrency en gaat u ermee akkoord Cryptohopper te vrijwaren van eventuele aansprakelijkheden of opgelopen verliezen. Het is essentieel om onze Servicevoorwaarden en Risicobeleid te lezen en te begrijpen voordat u onze software gebruikt of deelneemt aan handelsactiviteiten. Raadpleeg juridische en financiële professionals voor persoonlijk advies op basis van uw specifieke omstandigheden.

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