
And the winners are… Coin Breeder & PeerEx

12 ago 2020 3 min read
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Starting now, wallets are open and you can begin depositing sBREE and PERX into your Poloniex account and posting limit orders for sBREE/USDT and PERX/USDT. Full trading for sBREE and PERX will be enabled later today.

sBREE and PERX join our 30+ other DeFi assets in our Innovation Zone, including our newest additions from DeFi Listing Week so far: BAND, DOS, DIA, and ZAP. DeFi Listing Week is just getting started, we still have lots more to come throughout the week. Keep up with our listings on our Twitter and let us know if there’s a DeFi listing you want to see next.

Interested in our new DeFi listings? Tell your friends and earn 20% on their trading fees

sBREE Stats Price: $15.71

24hr Trading Volume: $3,921,248

7d High / 7d Low: $10.93 / $23.41

All Time High: $23.41 (August 10, 2020)

All Time Low: $10.93 (August 11, 2020)

Total Supply: 1,068,479 sBREE

What is Coin Breeder? Coin Breeder is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) that is focused on researching and developing efficient Decentralized Consensus Protocols (DCP) on the blockchain. CBDAO is governed by their community with the help of a decentralized, incentivized, and cost-efficient consensus system. CBDAO aims to be a sandbox for blockchain researchers, developers, and users to test various governance protocols as a DAO. CBDAO provides additional yield in the form of BREE tokens for users who participate in governance with assets like MKR, COMP, SNX, BAL, DMG, and AKRO. BREE, the native token of CBDAO, is estimated to launch at the end of August. sBREE, a token representing BREE until the launch, will be able to be swapped into BREE following launch. sBREE is listed as an ERC-20 token on Poloniex. Deposit sBREE now and begin trading.

PERX Stats Price: $0.00960413

24hr Trading Volume: $962,310

7d High / 7d Low: $0.00493937 / $0.01579851

All Time High: $0.01579851 (August 10, 2020)

All Time Low: $0.00493937 (August 11, 2020)

Total Supply: 365,000,000 PERX

What is PeerEx? PeerEx is a non-custodial decentralized market that enables the exchange of peer-to-peer ERC-20 tokens and peer-to-peer collateral-based lending. PeerEx aims to provide their users with the ability to transact on-chain with other users without needing to trust any third-parties. PeerEx allows users to create offers or choose from the offers already available on their platform. As a non-custodial market, PeerEx says that all keys are held by client side applications and that they will not have access to user assets. PERX, the native token of PeerEx, is a deflationary asset that is generated and earned by users with every transaction they make on PeerEx. PERX is listed as an ERC-20 token on Poloniex. Deposit PERX now and begin trading.

Have an idea of what you want us to list next? Fill out our listing application or let us know on Twitter !

And the winners are… Coin Breeder & PeerEx was originally published in The Poloniex blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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