
Circuits of Value (COVAL), IDEX (IDEX), Moss Carbon Credit (MCO2), Polkastarter (POLS), ShapeShift…

6 dic 2021 5 min read
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One of the most common requests we receive from customers is to be able to trade more assets on our platform. Per the terms of our listing process, we anticipate supporting more assets that meet our standards over time. Most recently we have added trading support for Biconomy (BICO), Voyager Token (VGX), Alchemix (ALCX), Ethereum Name Service (ENS), Gala (GALA), mStable USD (MUSD), Power Ledger (POWR), GYEN (GYEN) Crypto.com Protocol (CRO), Kryll (KRL), LCX (LCX) SUKU (SUKU), OriginTrail (TRAC) and Assemble Protocol (ASM).

Starting Today, Monday December 6 we will begin accepting inbound transfers of COVAL, IDEX, MCO2, POLS, FOX, SPELL and SUPER to Coinbase Pro. Trading will begin on or after 9AM Pacific Time (PT) Tuesday December 7, if liquidity conditions are met.

Once sufficient supply of COVAL, IDEX, MCO2, POLS, FOX, SPELL and SUPER is established on the platform, trading on our COVAL-USD, COVAL-USDT, IDEX-USD, IDEX-USDT, MCO2-USD, MCO2-USDT, POLS-USD, POLS-USDT, FOX-USD, FOX-USDT, SPELL-USD, SPELL-USDT, SUPER-USD and SUPER-USDT order books will launch in phases, post-only or auction mode then limit-only or full trading mode. If at any point one of the new order books does not meet our assessment for a healthy and orderly market, we may keep the book in one state for a longer period of time or suspend trading as per our Trading Rules.

We will publish tweets from our Coinbase Pro Twitter account as each order book moves through the phases.

Circuits of Value (COVAL) is an Ethereum token that powers Emblem, a platform where users can create custom combinations of ETH, ERC-20, and NFT tokens into a single, tradable token called a Vault. COVAL can be used to create Vaults and is issued as a reward to liquidity providers.

IDEX (IDEX) is an Ethereum token that powers the IDEX decentralized exchange, which combines an order book and automated market maker (AMM). IDEX holders can stake tokens in order to help secure the protocol and earn rewards.

Moss Carbon Credit (MCO2) is an Ethereum token for carbon credits. The project’s goal is to combat climate change. Burning one MCO2 token on the Moss Carbon Credit platform is equivalent to offsetting one ton of CO2 footprint, which is made possible by purchasing and protecting land in the Amazon rainforest.

Polkastarter (POLS) is the token powering Polkastarter, a platform for cross-blockchain fundraising based on Polkadot. POLS can be used to pay for transactions on the platform and can also be used to vote on and propose upgrades.

ShapeShift Fox Token (FOX) is an Ethereum token that governs ShapeShift, a decentralized exchange. By participating in the ShapeShift DAO (decentralized autonomous organization), FOX holders can vote on future asset integrations, products, and fee structures for the platform.

Spell Token (SPELL) is a token that governs Abracadabra.money, a platform that lets users deposit collateral in the form of interest-bearing crypto assets (such as yvYFI, yvUSDT, yvUSDC, xSUSHI) in order to mint MIM, a stablecoin that attempts to maintain a value of US$1.00. SPELL can be staked to earn sSPELL, which grants governance rights and other rewards.

SuperFarm (SUPER) is an Ethereum token that powers SuperFarm, a marketplace and platform for issuing NFTs. On SuperFarm, users can stake SUPER to earn points that can be redeemed for NFTs. SUPER can also be used to vote on the future direction of SuperFarm.

COVAL, IDEX, MCO2, POLS, FOX, SPELL and SUPER are not yet available on Coinbase.com or via our Consumer mobile apps. We will make a separate announcement if and when this support is added.

You can sign up for a Coinbase Pro account here to start trading. For more information on trading COVAL, IDEX, MCO2, POLS, FOX, SPELL and SUPER on Coinbase Pro, visit our support page.


Please note: Coinbase Ventures may be an investor in the crypto projects mentioned here, and additionally, Coinbase may hold such tokens on its balance sheet for operational purposes. A list of Coinbase Ventures investments is available at https://ventures.coinbase.com/ . Coinbase intends to maintain its investment in these entities for the foreseeable future and maintains internal policies that address the timing of permissible disposition of any related digital assets, if applicable. All assets, regardless of whether Coinbase Ventures holds an investor or Coinbase holds for operational purposes, are subject to the same strict review guidelines and review process. This website contains links to third-party websites or other content for information purposes only (“Third-Party Sites”). The Third-Party Sites are not under the control of Coinbase, Inc., and its affiliates (“Coinbase”), and Coinbase is not responsible for the content of any Third-Party Site, including without limitation any link contained in a Third-Party Site, or any changes or updates to a Third-Party Site. Coinbase is not responsible for webcasting or any other form of transmission received from any Third-Party Site. Coinbase is providing these links to you only as a convenience, and the inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement, approval or recommendation by Coinbase of the site or any association with its operators.

Crypto is a new type of asset. Besides potential day to day or hour to hour volatility, each crypto asset has unique features. Make sure you research and understand individual assets before you transact.

All images provided herein are by Coinbase.

was originally published in The Coinbase Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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