
Customer Service Upgrades and Our Commitment to Our Customers

16 mar 2021 3 min read
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Since the beginning, we had prided ourselves on providing the best support service to our customers. However, as the crypto industry welcomes tremendous growth this year, the active customer numbers on Bitvavo have grown substantially and so have our customer service requests. Unfortunately, our customer support function has not been able to scale as quickly as customer growth to provide the same level of support that you have come to expect. We sincerely apologize for any delays in our customer support. Our customers have always been our number one priority and we’re deeply sorry that we didn’t serve all our customers in a timely manner.

Regardless, we owe it to you, our customers, to deliver the experience you deserve. Your trust in us is important - and here’s what we already did to provide you with a better customer support:

  • Expanded user self-service resources: Our teams are hard at work developing self-service tools for users in need, and updating and expanding our FAQ and tutorial inventory to help our users find the answers to common queries and troubleshoot most issues.

  • More customer support agents: We understand that many problems still require dedicated customer support agents to resolve. So much so that we’ve tripled our customer support team headcount during the first quarter of this year. We’re still interviewing, hiring and onboarding new customer support agents to further improve our capacity and turnaround times.

Behind the scenes our customer support team is currently working on the following aspects:

  • Bitvavo Academy: Our all-encompassing guide to all things crypto with useful articles and tips for everyone, from rookies to seasoned traders.

  • Live Chat: Our teams are hard at work to offer live chat support services within a short period of time. This should make

What to do if you are experiencing any issues

If you experience any issues in the meantime, we hope you find the following resources helpful.

  • Support Center and FAQ: Get answers to frequently asked questions and access our comprehensive directory of helpful support articles.

Our commitment to you

We will continue to dedicate the best of ourselves to serve you. Rest assured we are working hard to attend to all customer service requests and to scale our support function in a timely manner and we will continue to develop new products and services based on community feedback, provide resources that help our customers get the most out of their crypto experience and always ensure our customer funds are safe.

Thank you for your continued support and understanding,

- The Bitvavo Support Team

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