
The DeFi Drop Volume 21

19 nov 2021 2 min read
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DeFi on Bitcoin? Maybe. Bitcoin has completed its long-awaited Taproot enhancement, aiming to improve privacy, scalability, and most notably, smart contract functionality, in the network’s first major upgrade since August 2017. ( The Defiant)

Following on from surging interest in decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs), DAOs are one of the most interesting topics in crypto right now. ( TheDefiant)

JPEGs are booming: Over 500k Ethereum addresses have bought or sold an NFT this year. ( Consensys)

As new Ethereum-based projects keep popping up, it’s hard to keep up with what’s what in Layer 2. This guide will help you make sense of the many different solutions. ( DCBuilder Mirror)

After initially saying there were no airdrop plans, decentralized exchange (DEX) aggregator provider ParaSwap Foundation is launching its native token $PSP on the Ethereum blockchain by doing a retroactive airdrop. The protocol airdropped 7.5% of its supply to its users. ( The Block)

Paradigm, a Web 3 investment and research firm, just announced a brand new crypto fund worth $2.5B. ( Paradigm)

Polygon is increasing its reach in the scaling solutions with another acquisition, this time of Miden, which will add STARK-based EVM-compatible rollups to Polygon’s suite. ( Polygon’s Twitter)

In odd news, a group of strangers are banding together online to try and purchase the last remaining private copy of The U.S. Constitution. ( ConstitutionDAO)

The post appeared first on Bittrex.com - The Next Generation Crypto-Currency Exchange.

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