
You’ve Got Token Questions, We’ve Got Answers

11 sept 2020 3 min read
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If you haven’t already reviewed our support document, we suggest you do so to help answer questions about our listing process as well as our token removal policy. We want to continue to provide as much information as possible to limit any confusion, so let’s review the most common questions that we get asked by our customers and token teams.

So let’s review the most common questions that we get asked by our customers and token teams.

What does it take to be listed on Bittrex?

In order for a token or coin to be considered for listing, our comprehensive review process must be followed. You can find our listing form here: https://bittrex.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=114093958872

Within the support document provided above, there is an overview of the type of information the teams will need to fill out. Note: Emailing Bittrex team members does not formally start the listing process – teams must complete the form as their first step.

What about listing fees?

Bittrex.com does not charge listing fees. We believe in the potential of blockchain and its ability to provide groundbreaking solutions. That’s why our mission is to help advance the blockchain industry by fostering innovation, incubating new and emerging technology, and driving transformative change. So we work with teams around the world to incubate and advance new, inventive tokens. We add these blockchain projects to our trading platform based on their merit. We simply want to list the most well-curated, legitimate blockchain projects out there and then let the market decide who the winners will be.

Airdrops, forks and promotions

We know that our customers want us to participate in token airdrops, forks and promotions, but some of these tokens and events simply don’t meet our standards. Additionally, Bittrex evaluates forks in the same manner as new token listings and airdrops of new tokens may be subject to our rigorous token listing process as well. Teams should submit their information properly and with enough time to complete the listing process before their fork or airdrop is initiated.

Don’t believe everything you read!

When it comes to Bittrex-related information, it’s best to only trust our official channels, such as @BittrexExchange or @ BittrexUS on Twitter. Don’t believe anyone on social media who claims to have knowledge about our plans on any issue, let alone items such as tokens, airdrops, forks, promotions, etc. It’s also good to remember that our transparency and policies can cause frustration, which may lead people to post passionate and sometimes misleading responses.

 If you still have some token questions – don’t worry – we’re always available. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us on Twitter to share your feedback or ask questions. At the end of the day, our customers and token teams are incredibly important to us, and we’re committed to providing you with accurate, timely and useful token information.

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