
Introducing the all-new Bitpanda Pro iOS App for trading on the go

13 ago 2021 3 min read
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After introducing the Bitpanda Pro Android App as a progressive web application for mobile phones and tablets, effective immediately we are happy to present our iOS users with the Bitpanda Pro iOS App.

Enjoy all the Bitpanda Pro features that you already have access to and use on the Bitpanda Pro UI on desktop, such as all order types including market orders, limit orders, advanced limit orders and stop limit orders without a careand receive automated updates too . You canlog in to your Bitpanda Pro App by entering your PIN or, if your iphone supports it, by using biometric authentication.

Trade on the go

Life’s a beach, it’s true. Now you can sip those ice-cold drinks and secretly glance at those charts if you get bored of poolside discussions, we know how you feel about your trades. Use your Bitpanda Pro iOS App on your mobile device to stay in the loop no matter where you are spending your time, check your orders from anywhere around the world and enjoy all the features on Bitpanda Pro that you already know and love to use for a great trading experience.

All the trading features of Bitpanda Pro in your pocket

Use your Bitpanda Pro App to stay on top of all our markets, check your balance and monitor the charts of all Pro trading pairs in depth, no matter when and wherever you are. Explore the order books and price charts - we promise you won’t miss yourdesktop. We are already working on our next releases which will include a feature for receiving essential alerts via push notifications and more.

All you need is your existing Bitpanda Account

Is our Bitpanda Pro App for iOS all you have been waiting for to sign up as a new trader on Bitpanda Pro? We recommend that you register and verify on Bitpanda Pro and then download the app in the iOS App Store. So head over there, download our Pro App and get ready for a hot summer of trading!

If you still love Android more than Apple and will never understand some peoples’ obsession: you can download the Bitpanda Pro App for Android here.

Download the Bitpanda Pro iOS App now

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