
Meet former Bitpanda Engineering interns, Miloslav Kamenik and Stefana Iosub

27 abr 2021 5 min read
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First of all, congratulations on your recent promotions! How do you feel in your new role at Bitpanda after beginning as an intern half a year ago?

Stefana: Thank you for the greetings! It was really nice to find out that I was going to become a full-time employee after starting as an intern. I have to tell you, my internship was awesome! It’s great to officially be part of this family and to be another panda in the team!

Milo: Thank you so much! It is nice to be able to continue at such a great company and to work among so many inspiring and motivated people. I am really excited and grateful for this opportunity.

About your time here so far: What is your unique story?

Stefana: This internship was a truly awesome experience, there have been plenty of events and a lot of knowledge-sharing I enjoyed. At Bitpanda, you never get bored! Neither working normally, nor during a lockdown. I know because I started when there was no lockdown. After the initial boot camps and finding colleagues with matching interests, in my case coffee, I quickly found my way around and began working.

What I found to be quite unique was the way everything went online when the second lockdown happened. I thought nothing good can originate from this but it turned out that I was wrong! Bitpanda made sure we did not feel the negative effects at all by organising all those interactive events and challenges which kept us in a constant good mood. All of the above, but also my projects and colleagues made me realise that I would really like to stick around and remain a member of the Bitpanda family.

Milo: More than half a year ago I was thinking about totally different things. I was preparing myself for a long trip to Bolivia. Unfortunately, the pandemic situation worsened again so I began to search for other options. That is when I found Bitpanda. At first, I thought their job advertisement was too good to be true. Needless to say, I filled out the application super-fast and hoped for the best. Now, to my greatest pleasure, I’m here as a full-time employee.

What is the coolest thing you have learned during your internship at Bitpanda?

Stefana: The openness of people working here is one of the coolest things I have discovered during my internship. Bitpanda has gathered great people, I honestly have never seen such a friendly work environment. I love that everything here is constantly improving to get better and that the company is keeping up with the trends. During “panda_talks”, an initiative offering talks and workshops among Bitpanda colleagues, everyone has the chance to evolve and develop new knowledge while improving on a daily basis.

Milo: A lot of exciting things about cryptocurrencies. I had no experience or knowledge about the topic, but so far I think I have learned a lot. Still, there is plenty of room for improvement.

What has exceeded your expectations so far when it comes to working for Bitpanda?

Stefana: How fast people are handling difficult situations and that we can really rely on each other if needed.

Milo: I am really happy and excited to work with Bitpanda’s high-tech hardware and systems, the level of technology has exceeded my expectations. To be part of this, now as a full-time IT Helpdesk Specialist, is amazing.

In terms of professional development on your personal level, what is it like to work for Bitpanda in your department?

Stefana: Working in the development department is a never-ending challenge. I am constantly improving, starting from learning to work with new technologies to participating in our processes, there is always something new.

Milo: I think it is really good to be working in my department. I have my own projects and I feel like I am a valuable member of the team.

Do you have any tips for potential interns who consider applying for a position at Bitpanda?

Stefana: If you are searching for an environment where you can develop both professionally and personally, I would suggest hurrying up and applying for one of our internship positions right away! Be curious, be present, be open!

Milo: Only two: be curious and ask a lot of questions.

Stefana and Milo, congratulations again for your recent promotions and thank you for sharing your thoughts. We trust that our internship programme provides great opportunities for those looking for positions in the Engineering and Development areas.

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