
Change Log: Version 1.28

15 sept 2021 2 min read
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Version 1.28


  • Changed the placement of the P/L Pulse share button for Positions

  • Renamed ‘New Pulse’ button to ‘Share’ in the sharing feature in the positions panel

  • Renamed token sale wallet to capital raise in the Quick Transfer balances widget and in the Wallets page

  • Updated styling for ledgers and date picker

  • Style improvements for DateTimePicker in different themes

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue of Distance text box for the trailing stop Order Form

  • A notification is now displayed when a user confirms their email for a sub-account

  • Fixed issue of incorrect available balance after a user moves funds into a wallet that has funds but none available

  • Fixed the calculation of weekly and monthly earnings on the Affiliate Program

  • Fixed issue of Advanced Funding options not translating to Turkish language

  • Fixed issue of max amount link not working when clicking on MIN and MAX amount repeatedly in Deposits

  • Fixed issue of fees and minimum order sizes not being displayed in the ‘OTC Market’ modal

  • Fixed alignment of the close button in chart indicators dropdown

  • Fixed notification message on Order Form

The Bitfinex APIs are designed to allow complete access to the features provided by Bitfinex. Learn more about our API documentation here.

The post appeared first on Bitfinex blog.

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