
How to Get Started With Binance Code?

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Discover Binance Code—our latest crypto transfer gateway for everyday users and crypto or non-crypto businesses.

If you’re looking for an easy, fuss-free way into the world of crypto, we’ve recently launched a crypto gateway for both businesses and users alike. Using secure and encrypted codes, Binance Code allows you to make crypto payments, straightforward withdrawals and deposits and low-fee crypto exchanges outside of the Binance ecosystem.

In addition to making crypto easier for daily life, Binance Code comes with a powerful API solution for businesses, crypto or non-crypto, looking to expand their services and reach more customers. Keep reading to discover the different crypto services you can bring to your customers with Binance Code, from rewards programs to reliable crypto trading.

Why Binance Code?

Whether you’re a startup or an enterprise, crypto exchange or peer-to-peer (P2P) merchant, Binance Code is equipped for all types of needs, including crypto transfers, peer-to-peer trading, crypto payments, customer rewards and much more.

For Distributors

Online stores, gift card platforms or any business with a loyalty system can benefit from our service. Instantly create Binance Codes in bulk and sell them to your customers in the form of crypto gift cards or distribute them as loyalty rewards. For example, an airline company can easily convert customers’ miles into Binance Codes.

For Exchange Brokers

If your business already operates in the crypto world as an exchange, broker or P2P merchant, Binance Code can provide more flexibility for your users. Exchange and broker users can enjoy faster trades with lower fees on your platform. At the same time, P2P merchants can access more payment methods and local currencies to buy and sell crypto.

For Merchants

If your business is looking for a dependable API solution to accept crypto payments, Binance Code allows you to transact with a wide range of tokens in custom amounts, big or small.

Become a Binance Code Partner

Are you ready to get started? Apply now and become a partner today. Once you’re verified, you’ll also get the chance to be listed as a verified Binance Code partner on our front page.

For more information on Binance Code, you can read our helpful resources below:

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