
How To Cash Out Your SLP Earnings From Axie Infinity to Philippines Peso

11 ago 2021 3 min read
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Key Takeaways:

  • Learn more about Axie Infinity, the new video game taking the Philippines by storm

  • We will also provide a step by step guide on how you can convert SLP to PHP on our peer-to-peer marketplace

What is Axie infinity?

Axie Infinity is a Player-vs-Player (PvP), Pay-to-Win and Pay-to-Earn video game made by Vietnamese studio Sky Mavis. The game features creatures called “Axies”, which players can use in battles or “breed” them to create new offspring. In exchange, players can earn Ethereum-based cryptocurrencies–in the form of SLP (Smooth Love Potion) and AXS (Axie Infinity Shards).

Axies come in the form of non-fungible tokens, or NFTs. These player-owned digital collectibles can be bred, bought and sold. Each Axie has its own unique market value depending on a few variables, including: the skills it has, its breed and its appearance.

How to sell SLP to PHP using Binance P2P?

Whether you're interested inpeer to peer trading or you’re simply looking for a method to cash out your SLP in an easy, fast and secure way without paying fees, Binance P2P is the fastest and most convenient option. To start trading SLP on Binance P2P, you first need to:

  • Log in to your Binance account. If you are not a Binance user yet, register for free in minutes.

  • Complete identity verification and add at least one payment method to your account (link a bank account, credit/debit card etc.) to start using Binance P2P.

Here is a step by step guide that helps you transfer your in-game SLP to Binance P2P and cash out to PHP.

1. Transfer your SLP to Binance

2. Sell your SLP to PHP

  • Now that your SLP is on Binance P2P wallet, transfer it to your P2P wallet

  • On Binance P2P, select the sell tab and choose PHP and SLP.

  • Take a look at the seller profile (completion rate, feedback from other traders, number of orders) and select the profile that fits your need. Read this article on how to choose the best Binance P2P offer.

  • Open a trade and chat with the counterparty. The buyer will send the money to your bank account, using the payment method you added before.


You are now equipped with all the tools you need to cash out your SLP earnings from Axie Infinity on Binance P2P and make additional income from playing a video game!  For more information on Binance P2P, including to get started, read the following articles:

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