
Bitfinex Pay – Release V0.7.5

4 dic 2024 3 min read
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We’re pleased to share the latest updates to Bitfinex Pay. For more on Bitfinex Pay, please refer to https://blog.bitfinex.com/category/bitfinex-pay/.

Merchant Dashboard


  • Following the recent Polygon Ecosystem Token (MATIC->POL) upgrade, the following changes have been applied to the Polygon tokens supported by Bitfinex Pay:

    • MATIC (Ethereum) is still supported, although it will likely be removed in a future update

    • MATIC (Mainnet) has been removed from the Wallets menu and can no longer be used to accept payments in invoices

    • Polygon Ecosystem Token (Ethereum) is now supported, added to the Wallets menu and can now be used to accept payments in invoices

    • Polygon Ecosystem Token (Polygon) is now supported, added to the Wallets menu and can now be used to accept payments in invoices

    • You can find more information about the Polygon Ecosystem Token upgrade here

  • Insufficient Funds error is now shown under the Amount in Crypto field in the New Payout flow

  • Text updated in Invoice Details -> Refund menu for Expired invoices to clarify when a refund can be executed

  • The Legacy tipping feature has been removed following the Pulse project phase-out

  • Merchant Limit amounts shown in Settings have been formatted to be more easily readable for high amounts

  • BTC has been removed from POS Checkout as an available token to accept payments due to its long blockchain confirmation/completion average time

  • Added a new explainer text when creating a new POS checkout and clarified the error message when inputting an excessive expiration time for POS invoices. Max expiration for POS is now 30 minutes

  • Added tooltips for all fields required in the Manual Invoice Generator flow in the Invoices menu

  • Step 2 of Payouts -> Payment flow has been redesigned to provide a clear summary of the transaction requiring a final confirmation before execution

  • The Settings menu has been improved, including updating the copy of some features/texts to make it clearer and moving Thresholds settings to the Invoice Customisation menu


  • Various fixes applied to “Payouts” feature fee calculations

  • Fixed an issue causing the address copy button to not work properly in step 3 of Payouts -> New Payment flow

  • Minor design fix on user tags shown in the Payout History menu

  • Minor design fix on the New Recipient menu in Payouts

  • Fixed an issue causing some balances not to be calculated correctly on the Payout -> New payment flow

  • Fixed a minor design issue, causing the Fiat amount and currency not to be aligned in the Invoice Details menu

  • Fixed an issue causing merchants with POS enabled not to be able to see their POS acceptance limit in the Settings menu

  • Fixed an issue causing the Accepted Crypto Currencies dropdown to stay open, showing “No options” after adding all tokens in both the POS Create Checkout and Manual Invoice Generator flows

End Customer Payment Flow


  • Minor design improvements in the Payment Confirmation menu


  • The dropdown button in the token selection field has been removed when there is only one token enabled to accept payments

  • Added some missing translations to the Metamask -> Switch Network button

  • Updated error message shown when trying to use a 2FA code which has already been used

  • Fixed an issue causing the manual price recalculation button on invoices to not work when there is only one token available for payment

Demo Dashboard


  • Polygon Ecosystem upgrade on wallets has been also applied on the demo Dashboard

Start accepting crypto payments with Bitfinex Pay today: https://pay.bitfinex.com/.

The post Bitfinex Pay – Release V0.7.5 appeared first on Bitfinex blog.

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