
The DeFi Drop Volume 44

12 ago 2022 2 min read
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Brevan Howard Asset Management became one of the largest crypto hedge funds ever at launch raising over $1 Billion from institutional investors. ( Blockworks)

Optimism, an Ethereum L2, saw its Total Value Locked (TVL) surpass $1 Billion for the first time. The top 3 DeFi apps by TVL on Optimism as of this post are Aave, Synthetix, and Velodrome. ( DefiLlama)

New job listings with “metaverse” in the title saw an 81% drop between the months of April and June this year, according to Bloomberg, outpacing a similar trend seen across the tech industry. But wait hasn’t the crypto hive mind settled on the term “web3” over “metaverse” in recent months? ( Bloomberg)

With the Ethereum merge fast approaching, cryptosphere debate over the future of Proof-of-Work (PoW) Ethereum post-merge is heating up. Justin Sun voices support for a PoW fork. ( Coindesk) Others offer a decidedly different take. ( Blockworks)

So you know the Merge, but have you met the Surge, the Verge, the Purge, and the Splurge? ( Twitter)

And finally, we would be remiss not to thank the architect of the Merge/Surge/Verge/Purge/Splurge for his insightful marketing advice for our team here at Bittrex. Thanks Vitalik – send us an invoice for services rendered, friend! ( Twitter)

The post appeared first on Bittrex.com - The Next Generation Crypto-Currency Exchange.

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