
Bitpanda’s successful launch in Turkey led by Elbruz Yılmaz

2020년 9월 10일 2 분 읽기
뉴스 기사 배너 이미지

Turkey is one of the leading markets in the industry, with a high adoption rate and demand for Bitcoin and other digital assets. This gives Turkey a unique position as a competitive market which enables the development of state-of-the-art financial technologies.

“Bitpanda will create immense value for Turkish customers and I am very excited to help enable this with our technology and efficient marketplace platform. Our goal for the next phase of Bitpanda’s growth is to expand to new markets and new products, such as stocks and ETFs, and to bring our investment platform to all customers in all markets”, said Elbruz.

Elbruz is not new to the industry, having spent more than 15 years in senior roles in consulting, investment management, software and telecom sectors across the US, Europe and the Middle East. He studied Economics at Ege University in Turkey and received his MBA from Pittsburg State University in the United States.

In his new role with Bitpanda, he will be focusing on developing and executing market entry strategies, building a regional team and strategic partnerships, and establishing operations to enable rapid growth in the region.

In case you didn’t know, it has been a pretty busy year for us at Bitpanda! We launched in France with a campaign, followed closely by our launch in Spain, while also growing internally by doubling our team! It’s safe to say, our user base has grown too, with over 1.2 million people using Bitpanda as their platform of choice for trading.

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