
Kraken launches licensed broker offering for Australian wholesale clients

3. Nov. 2024 3 Min. gelesen
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Starting today, we will enable wholesale clients to acquire crypto-based derivatives via its Australian financial services licensed broker. Our new crypto derivatives broker offering provides both flexibility and depth to empower wholesale clients to manage risk and gain exposure to crypto price movements without holding the underlying assets.

“Over our 13 year history, we have always aspired to be one step ahead of market demand. Australian wholesale clients are looking for the ability to execute advanced trading strategies using a licensed broker backed by Kraken’s high security standards,” said Jonathon Miller, Kraken GM for Australia and Rest of World. “Our new premium product meets our client’s trading needs and helps them to advance in their crypto journey.”

With over 200 tradable assets, we are offering multi-collateral support (including fiat, stablecoin and crypto) to be held in one of the most robust crypto custodial solutions available. Client support services are available 24/7/365.

Miller added, “Australia has long been a cornerstone of Kraken’s global operation. Our licensed broker offering is testament to our ongoing commitment to regulatory compliance and to bringing exciting crypto products to market that can truly unlock institutional demand for cryptoassets.”

Today’s announcement is the latest milestone in Kraken’s Australian expansion strategy in recent months. In July, we expanded our Kraken Custody services to Australian institutional clients, enabling them to seamlessly, securely store their assets via integration with the rest of Kraken’s product suite.

Prospective Australian wholesale clients can explore this new offering via our Eligibility for Derivatives Trading on Kraken in Australia support page. Existing Australian wholesale clients can confirm their eligibility directly from the Kraken Pro app.

Note that trading in crypto-based derivatives involves the risk of losing substantially more than your initial investment, and you do not own or have any rights to underlying crypto assets.

The information in this blog post and any attachments to it (the “Communication”) are provided by Bit Trade Pty Ltd (ACN 163 237 634), which is an Authorised Representative (AR No. 001312156) of Beaufort Fiduciaries Pty Ltd (ACN 162 139 871) (AFSL No. 545124) (BFPL). BFPL has wholesale authorisations only.

The Communication is, unless otherwise stated, confidential, may contain copyright material and is for the use only of the intended recipient. Nothing in the Communication constitutes an investment offering of any kind. The Communication is for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment or financial product advice. It is not intended to imply or make any recommendation or opinion regarding any financial products. Before acting on any information contained in the Communication, you should consider your own needs and obtain independent advice (e.g. taxation, financial and legal) regarding your personal circumstances. If you receive the Communication in error, please notify the sender immediately by return email, delete the Communication and the return email, and do not read, copy, retransmit or otherwise deal with it.

The post appeared first on Kraken Blog.

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