
New Asset Listings: DOT, SOL, MATIC, DOGE, 1 More to Be Revealed

2. Aug. 2021 2 Min. gelesen
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However, when reviewing user feedback on platforms such as Trustpilot, we realized that while users are now satisfied with our customer support, most of the feedback is about the range of digital assets we currently have on offer. To remedy this situation and continue to provide the best service we can, we’ve decided to go forward with new asset listings.

Five New Asset Listings Coming This Week

This week, we’ll start by listing five of the most requested digital assets, one every day. As always, you’ll be able to buy these digital assets with SEPA, iDeal, and every payment method Bitvavo currently supports in your country.

To allow us to give you access to as many assets as possible as quickly as possible, we will first enable trading only on certain assets. This means that while you will be buying and selling actual assets stored in Bitvavo’s hosted wallet, you won’t be able to deposit or withdraw them to an external wallet. We are currently working on implementing and automating the full wallet architecture with our insured custody providers and will update you once we finish the implementation.

Every day this week we’ll be revealing the daily asset listing right here on this blog post, at 11:00 CET. Trading of the newly listed asset will begin on the same day.

Monday August 2, we'll be listing Polkadot (DOT) on Bitvavo .

Tuesday August 3, we'll be listing Solana (SOL) on Bitvavo .

Wednesday, August 4, we'll be listing Polygon (MATIC) on Bitvavo.

Thursday, August 5, we'll be listing Dogecoin (DOGE) on Bitvavo.

More Assets Are Coming Soon

We will be listing more assets throughout the month of August, so stay tuned for more listings and news on Bitvavo’s blog. We recognize that the choice of assets and opportunities we offer is a core feature of the digital economy, and we look forward to expanding our platform to become an even wider and better bridge between the traditional and digital economies.

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