
Bitpanda celebrates the integration of QTUM with a giveaway!

31. Aug. 2020 2 Min. gelesen
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What is QTUM?

Qtum is an open-source cryptocurrency software aiming to combine Etherum’s smart contract functionality with Bitcoin’s security in order to offer an enticing alternative to the Ethereum blockchain. Due to the fact that Qtum offers higher security than Ethereum with a combination of keeping compatibility with Bitcoin, it’s safe to say that this attracts application developers. Qtum’s cryptocurrency, QTUM, is used to pay the fees of those who help manage the network. Holding QTUM will also provide voting rights, meaning you can have a say in the development of Qtum software.

How to win the giveaway

Now onto the exciting stuff. Our giveaway starts at 00:00 CEST on the 1st of September, 2020 and ends at 23:59 CEST on the 7th of September, 2020. Here are the prizes:

Prize one: a total of €10,000 worth of BEST

The top five users with the highest total amount of QTUM purchased will receive €2,000 worth of BEST each.

Prize two: a total of €8,000 worth of QTUM

The top ten users with the highest total amount of QTUM purchased will receive €800 worth of QTUM each.

Prize three: a total of €2,000 worth of QTUM

Ten users (outside of the top 10 users) who are BEST VIP level 1 and above and who trade any amount of QTUM will be randomly selected to receive €200 worth of QTUM each!

Good luck everyone!

Please note that you can only buy and sell QTUM on Bitpanda, deposits and withdrawals are not possible.

You can read the terms and conditions here and we will credit the winners on their Bitpanda wallets within one week.

Click here to buy QTUM.

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