
Bitpanda Pro announces partnership with GENERAL BYTES

13. Aug. 2020 2 Min. gelesen
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We are happy to announce that one of the world’s largest crypto ATM companies, GENERAL BYTES, is now an official partner of Bitpanda Pro, Europe’s secure exchange for crypto-to-fiat markets.

GENERAL BYTES was founded in 2013 and is one of the world’s largest Bitcoin and cryptocurrency ATM manufacturers. Based in Europe with R&D and production in the Czech Republic, GENERAL BYTES was one of the world’s first providers of crypto ATMs with more than 4,000 ATMs in operation to-date and about 200 ATMS sold per month in a rapidly growing market.

Bitpanda Pro is Europe’s leading fully regulated crypto-to-fiat exchange. Backed by a PSD2 payment service provider licence and in full compliance with the AML5 anti-money laundering directive, Bitpanda Pro offers users state-of-the-art security and highly attractive European crypto-to-fiat markets for all major fiat trading pairs including BTC/EUR, ETH/EUR, BEST/EUR, BTC/CHF and BTC/GBP to be added soon.

Fully compliant solutions

The only ATM provider in Europe offering fully compliant solutions to operators: GENERAL BYTES ATMs are delivered with state-of-the-art CAS software designed to successfully fight money laundering. ATM owners and operators are able to choose between a wide range of features to fully comply with all established local KYC & AML regulations and policies based on several interconnected mechanisms. All features are in full compliance with EU regulations.

T"As the market leader in Europe for cryptocurrency ATMs, we are very excited to add Bitpanda Pro as a fully regulated, trusted exchange to our ATM platform. Many European ATM operators asked for a Bitpanda Pro integration, so we are happy that we’ve started this partnership", says Martijn Wismeijer, Marketing Manager at GENERAL BYTES.

By working together with Bitpanda Pro as a reliable and dependable partner, GENERAL BYTES is going to further establish itself as a global supplier of crypto ATMs in full compliance with current legal regulations and regulatory developments ahead.

Sign up here to start trading on Bitpanda Pro

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