
Bitfinex Pulse – in the palm of your hand

10. Sept. 2020 3 Min. gelesen
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So, we’re bringing Bitfinex Pulse to Bitfinex mobile app!

Bitfinex Pulse mobile will keep invaluable trading insights and the latest market updates of the crypto space at your fingertips. We have equipped it with the features that allow users to stay engaged with the conversations within the growing Bitfinex Pulse community with ease.

To find any topics of interest, you can use the Search feature by simply typing the keywords. Once you find what you’re looking for, you can like, share or join in the conversation by posting comments. To do so, however, you will need to be a verified user.

The search feature can be used to find any user accounts as well, such as your favourite traders or crypto media that you want to follow. You can then set to receive notifications whenever they’re posting pulses to make sure you won’t miss out any updates.

The mobile version comes in handy when you want to build your thought leadership in crypto by sharing your own insights while you’re on the go. If you are a verified user, you can set your pulses to public to make them seen and shareable by other users.

Here are some tips to get the most out of your Bitfinex Pulse account.

Get Bitfinex Pulse On your Iphone Get Bitfinex Pulse On your Android

Bitfinex Pulse mobile also allows you to set up and manage your profile. However, if you decide to skip this step, you can still view the pulses posted by other users. Regardless of the verification status, we want users to have the opportunities to enrich their trading strategies through a continuous stream of insights and knowledge.

Ultimately, Bitfinex Pulse mobile aims to give those on the move the flexibility to experience and grow in a safe crypto environment that will bring more value to their trading and social activities.

Bitfinex Pulse Direct Download (APK)

The post Bitfinex Pulse – in the palm of your hand appeared first on Bitfinex blog.

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