
Binance.UK Joins Trade Association CryptoUK

27. Aug. 2020 2 Min. gelesen
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Binance.UK will assume a seat on the CryptoUK Executive Committee, alongside Coinbase, Coin Shares, CryptoCompare, eToro, and Ripple. Together this group of industry experts and stakeholders collaborate to lead the Association’s strategic direction. This includes the Association’s Code of Conduct, policy positions, and governance to ensure the U.K. fulfills its global leadership potential in this quickly developing and expanding industry.

“Binance.UK is launching a fiat-crypto trading platform to serve the increasing interest and participation in the U.K. digital asset markets,” said Teana Baker-Taylor, U.K. Director for Binance. “As a global leader in the digital asset industry, we are committed to working with both our industry peers and policymakers to facilitate discussion and education that foster sustainable policy development in the U.K. to support and promote a continued focus on financial services innovation,” added Baker-Taylor.

Binance.UK has committed to CryptoUK’s principles and self-regulatory Code of Conduct. As a member of the Association’s Executive Committee, the company will take a leading role in proactively updating its Code of Conduct, ensuring it remains fit for purpose in delivering best practices amongst members.

“Since our launch in early 2018, CryptoUK has built meaningful relationships with industry participants, regulators, and policymakers,” said CryptoUK Chair, Ian Taylor. “Binance.UK will bring significant local and global expertise to our Executive Committee and initiatives. We look forward to working with them to help develop a supportive regulatory framework for cryptoasset businesses and customers in the U.K.”

CryptoUK and its members are currently focused on responding to HM Treasury’s current public consultation on Cryptoasset Promotionsand contributing to the U.K.’s Cryptoasset Task Force’s consultation on stablecoins, expected later this year.

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