
Smaller Ads, Bigger Wins: Earn Up To 50,000 NGN Weekly by Posting Ads on Binance P2P

15. Nov. 2020 2 Min. gelesen
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Promotion period: October 16, 12:00 pm WAT  - December 14, 12:00pm WAT

How to participate and earn 50,000 NGN weekly?

Every week for the next 4 weeks, the 5 top users who post trade ads (Buy or sell) and trade with the most unique users during the activity period will be rewarded as follows:


Rewards amount in NGN

Rewards amount in BUSD

1st place

50,000 NGN

110 BUSD

2nd place

25,000 NG


3rd place

15,000 NGN


4th place

8,000 NGN


5th place

5,000 NGN


Post your Ad and Start Trading!

To qualify for “Smaller ads, Bigger Wins” promotion, participants need to trade at least 230,000 NGN with a minimum of 5 different users per week.

A strategy to have a higher chance of winning is to publish ads with small limits, this way your ads will be more competitive. Don’t hesitate to share your ads with your communities to get your ads seen by more people!

Here’s a video guide on how to post trade ads on Binance P2P.

Rules and Reward Distribution

  • An equivalent of $230 (105,000 NGN) in BUSD will be distributed weekly among the top 5 NGN makers on Binance P2P

  • Weekly trading volume must be a minimum of  230,000 NGN ($500) to qualify

  • This competition is only available for users that post either buy or sell ads within the competition period.

  • To qualify for rewards, you must trade with a minimum of 5 different users in a week.

  • Promotion period: Only participants who make a trade between Monday, 16th November at 12pm WAT and Monday, 14th December at 12pm WAT will be qualified to win.

  • This promotion only applies to transactions through Binance P2P in the web or app version.

  • The BUSD rewards will be allocated to the Binance spot Wallet within 15 business days after the campaign finishes. Users can see their rewards by selecting the Account Center > Wallet > Distribution History.

  • Binance reserves the ability to disqualify any participants showing signs of fraudulent behavior immediately.

  • Binance reserves the right to cancel or amend the Promotion or Promotion Rules at our sole discretion.

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