Create your own app


Create your very own app on Cryptohopper and start buying and selling with the API. To create an app on Cryptohopper, you first need to become a verified developer. First apply to become a developer, if you haven't already.

How to create your first app

  1. Ensure you're logged in with your developer account.
  2. Go to "Apps" and click on "New".
  3. Give your app a name, select the category of your app and enter a description of your app.
  4. Select the scopes/permissions of your app.
  5. Click "Save".

You have now created your first app on Cryptohopper. You can now edit the app and add an app image, whitelist your server IP addresses, add webhooks and more. But most of all: you can now start using the Cryptohopper API. Start by obtaining an access token with Oauth.