Hopper config

Hopper config options

The config of your Hopper is the brain of your Hopper. The decisions that your Hopper makes, are all based on what you configure in the config. All of the valid config options that you can use are on this page. The "GENERAL" config options can be used for every type of hopper.

Different kind of hoppers:

  • Standard hopper
  • Arbitrage hopper
  • Market making hopper

Hopper config options


These settings are available to use for every kind of hopper.


  • max_open_time: (int) The number of minutes a sell order remains open before the order is cancelled.
  • paper_trading: (int) Paper trading turn on or off
  • paper_trading_account: (int) Paper trading account
  • send_cancelled_email: (int) Send an email when an order is cancelled
  • send_trade_email: (int) Send an email when a trade is made
  • send_trade_error_email: (int) Send an email when a trade error occurred
  • stop_buying: (int) If turned on, the bot will not be buying
  • stop_selling: (int) If turned on, the bot will not be selling
  • subaccount: (string) Enter the exhange sub account value. Currently only for: FTX and FTX.us

Standard hopper

Basic hopper from Cryptohopper.


  • advanced_ta_bbands_dev_low: (float)
  • advanced_ta_bbands_dev_up: (float)
  • advanced_ta_bbands_disabled: (int)
  • advanced_ta_bbands_matype: (float)
  • advanced_ta_bbands_necessary: (int)
  • advanced_ta_bbands_period: (int)
  • advanced_ta_candle_size: (int) What candle size to use for technical analysis
  • advanced_ta_ema_disabled: (int)
  • advanced_ta_ema_long_period: (int)
  • advanced_ta_ema_necessary: (float)
  • advanced_ta_ema_short_period: (int)
  • advanced_ta_kama_disabled: (int)
  • advanced_ta_kama_long_period: (int)
  • advanced_ta_kama_necessary: (int)
  • advanced_ta_kama_short_period: (int)
  • advanced_ta_macd_disabled: (int)
  • advanced_ta_macd_fast_period: (int)
  • advanced_ta_macd_necessary: (int)
  • advanced_ta_macd_signal_period: (int)
  • advanced_ta_macd_slow_period: (int)
  • advanced_ta_rsi_disabled: (int)
  • advanced_ta_rsi_necessary: (int)
  • advanced_ta_rsi_overbought: (float)
  • advanced_ta_rsi_oversold: (float)
  • advanced_ta_rsi_period: (int)
  • advanced_ta_sma_disabled: (int)
  • advanced_ta_sma_long_period: (float)
  • advanced_ta_sma_necessary: (int)
  • advanced_ta_sma_short_period: (int)
  • advanced_ta_stoch_disabled: (int)
  • advanced_ta_stoch_fast_k: (float)
  • advanced_ta_stoch_necessary: (int)
  • advanced_ta_stoch_overbought: (int)
  • advanced_ta_stoch_oversold: (float)
  • advanced_ta_stoch_slow_d: (float)
  • advanced_ta_stoch_slow_d_matype: (float)
  • advanced_ta_stoch_slow_k: (float)
  • advanced_ta_stoch_slow_k_matype: (float)
  • advanced_ta_stochrsi_disabled: (int)
  • advanced_ta_stochrsi_fast_d: (float)
  • advanced_ta_stochrsi_fast_d_matype: (float)
  • advanced_ta_stochrsi_fast_k: (float)
  • advanced_ta_stochrsi_necessary: (int)
  • advanced_ta_stochrsi_overbought: (float)
  • advanced_ta_stochrsi_oversold: (float)
  • advanced_ta_stochrsi_period: (int)
  • allow_all_coins: (int) Allow all coins
  • allowed_coins: (array) Array of the allowed currencies
  • ask_percentage: (float) If you want to sell your coin for more profit than its current market rate, you can set a percentage here. For example if the highest bid for a coin is 1 and you configure 1 (%) higher ask here, it will place a sell order for the price of 1.01. If you enable this you should also check that your 'Max open time sell' is long enough.
  • ask_percentage_type: (string) Possible options: [lower, higher]
  • auto_close_positions: (int) If enabled the hopper will automatically stop positions after X time
  • auto_close_positions_time: (string) Time when the auto close will trigger.
  • auto_dca: (int) The DCA option tells the Hopper to buy more of a loss-making coin (it will triple your holding) to try to trade out of the loss. This is a high-risk option so use with care! Check the documentation for more info.
  • auto_dca_max: (int) The maximum of DCA orders that may be created for a specific coin. The count is reset after every successfull sell of a DCA order.
  • auto_dca_percentage: (float) Configure the percentage after which you want the DCA feature to place a new order. When the average price falls this percentage, a trigger will be placed to create a new DCA order. Enter a positive number, for example: 4.5 (%)
  • auto_dca_size: (string) Select if you want to place an order for the same amount your currently having for a currency and doubling your total (Double down) or if you want to place an order for double the amount you're currently having, therefor tripling in total size (Triple down).
  • auto_dca_size_custom: (string) Custom DCA size in percentage.
  • auto_dca_strategy: (int) Select if you want to trigger the buy immediately when the configured percentage loss hits or just let the DCA feature buy the coin when your strategy signals a buy for the coin. Watch out, when this is enabled the hopper will buy without using any strategy and could buy at an unfavorable time.
  • auto_dca_time: (string) Select the timeframe after you want DCA orders for positions to be created.
  • auto_merge_positions: (int)
  • automatic_shorting: (int) Enable automatic shorting. This will enable your hopper to automatically open short positions.
  • autosync: (int) If enabled your hopper will automatically sync any positions which are open on your exchange and not in your hopper. Do not use this if you have multiple hoppers running on your exchange account.
  • autosync_all_coins: (int)
  • autosync_allowed_coins: (array) Array of the autosync allowed coins
  • bbands_candle_size: (int) Candle size in seconds (possible options:[300, 900, 1800, 3600, 7200, 14400, 86400])
  • bbands_days: (int)
  • bbands_deviation: (string) Bollinger Bands Deviation (2.0 for 20 days, 1.9 for 10 days, 2.1 for 50 days)
  • bid_percentage: (float) If you want to systematically make lower or higher bids for your buy orders you can enter a percentage here. For example, if the lowest ask for a coin is 1 and you configure 1 (%) lower bid here, it will place an order for the price of 0.99. If you enable this you should also check that your 'Max open time buy' is high enough.
  • bid_percentage_type: (str) Type of bid percentage (possible options: [lower, higher]
  • buy_iceberg_delay: (int) Seconds delay in between orders
  • buy_iceberg_orders: (int) Use iceberg orders for buys
  • buy_iceberg_orders_total: (int) Split order in total number of orders for iceberg orders for buys
  • buy_order_type: (str) Order type (possible options: [limit, market])
  • buy_score_corrected: (int) Use corrected AI score for buys
  • collect_currency: (string) Select the currency you want to use to buy positions. Your hopper will actively work to increase the amount of this currency.
  • cooldown: (int) When you enable cooldown your hopper will not try to buy a coin within your chosen cooldown period after a buy or sell
  • cooldown_count: (int) Enter the cooldown period in minutes. In the cooldown period after the a buy or sell, the coin will not be bought again.
  • cooldown_val: (string) Possible options: [minutes, hours, days]
  • cooldown_when: (string) Select if you want to enable cooldown period only after buys, sells or after both
  • dca_order_type: (str) Order type (possible options: [limit, market])
  • hold_assets: (int) If your hopper is trying to sell a coin, and your TA strategy indicates that your hopper should buy the same coin, it will not sell your current coin even if it hit your chosen take profit percentage or TSL.
  • max_amount_allocated: (float) The maximum amount the bot may use from your total assets. For example if you have 1 BTC and you enter 0.5 here, your hopper will only be able to use 0.5 BTC.
  • max_buy_rate: (float)
  • max_open_positions: (int) The maximum number of open positions (investments) your hopper can have open at a time
  • max_open_positions_per_coin: (float) Determines the maximum number of open positions allowed per coin type. The total number of open positions will not exceed this calculated value, which is a percentage of the 'max open positions' field. If you allow max 100 open positions and 4% open positions per coin, your hopper will allow at most 4 open positions per coin type of 100 total open positions.
  • max_open_short_positions: (int)
  • max_open_time_buy: (int) The number of minutes a buy order remains open before the order is cancelled
  • min_buy_amount: (float) Determines the minimum amount for every buy order. If 'Percentage buy amount' is not used (left blank), your hopper will use this value. Please set this equal to or higher than the minimum amount for your exchange and quote currency. Note: When your available funds are lower than the minimum amount configured, a position will be made with the available funds, disregarding the minimum.
  • min_buy_amount_force: (int)
  • min_buy_score: (float) Minimum AI score for buys
  • min_sell_score: (float) Minimum AI score for sells
  • num_targets_per_buy: (int) This determines the amount of targets that are bought if your strategy finds multiple coins at the same time. If you configure 3 targets, and the hopper finds 5, it will only buy the best 3, sorted by the number of indicators and buy signals it has hit. Maximum is 10.
  • one_open_order: (int) When enabled your hopper will only allow a single open order per coin at once, with exception of manual orders. Note: Multiple positions of a coin can still be opened. This can be configured with 'Max percentage open positions per coin'
  • only_when_new: (int) If enabled the hopper will only buy if there is not a position for the currency within the percent range.
  • only_when_new_range: (float) Percent range for only buy when not in positions setting is enabled.
  • only_when_positive: (int) If enabled the hopper will only buy coins if there has been a positive change % in the last X hours/minutes (this is configurable in the next step). If there are no positive coins the hopper will not buy with your strategy.
  • only_when_positive_time: (string) Configure the timeframe to check if there are only positive pairs. For example: if you configuire 1 day, and all markets are going down in the 1 day timeframe, your hopper will not buy. (value in minutes)
  • output_errors_only: (int)
  • output_live_feed: (int)
  • perc_buy_amount: (float) Determines the size of each buy order. This value is a percentage of your total assets, or the 'Maximum amount allocated' field if configured. If this value falls below your exchange 'Minimum amount per order', that value will be used instead.
  • rsi_candle_size: (int) Candle size in seconds (possible options: [300, 900, 1800, 3600, 7200, 14400, 86400])
  • rsi_oversold: (int)
  • rsi_period: (int)
  • sell_iceberg_delay: (int) Seconds delay in between orders
  • sell_iceberg_orders: (int) Use iceberg orders for sells
  • sell_iceberg_orders_total: (int) Split order in total number of orders for iceberg orders for sells
  • sell_order_type: (str) Order type (possible options: [limit, market])
  • sell_score_corrected: (int) Use corrected AI score for sells
  • sell_with_strategy: (int) If you enable this, your positions will be sold when your TA strategy signals to sell. Note: With this setting enabled positions could be sold with loss.
  • set_percentage: (float) Take profit percentage.
  • set_percentage_ask: (float)
  • set_percentage_bid: (float)
  • short_always: (int) When enabled short positions will be opened when an open position gets sold with profit, autoclose, stop-loss or trailing stop-loss.
  • short_auto_close_positions: (int) If enabled the hopper will automatically sell positions after X time
  • short_auto_close_positions_time: (string) Time when the auto close will trigger.
  • short_auto_remove_positions: (int) If enabled the hopper will automatically remove short positions after X time.
  • short_auto_remove_positions_time: (string) Select the timeframe after you want short positions to be automatically removed.
  • short_buy_with_strategy: (int) When enabled short positions will be closed when your strategy signals a buy.
  • short_ignore_max_pos: (int) When enabled the max open positions number is ignored when a short position is closed and bought back.
  • short_percentage_profit: (float) Take profit for shorts.
  • short_remove_on_loss: (int) When enabled short positions will be removed instead of bought back when the signal comes in to close the position, and the short position has not made any profit.
  • short_reset_position: (int) When enabled new open positions, after short positions are closed, will start at 0% profit instead of using the profit of the short position.
  • short_restore_position: (int) When enabled the original settings of the open position are restored when a short position is closed and the position is being opened again.
  • short_sell_with_strategy: (int) When enabled short positions will be opened when your strategy signals a sell. This will override the setting: sell with strategy.
  • short_stop_loss_trailing: (int) This will trail the profit percentage downwards, tracking a short position that is gaining until the price starts to go up again, after which the position is closed and the funds are bought back.
  • short_stop_loss_trailing_arm: (float)
  • short_stop_loss_trailing_only: (int) When enabled this will disable the take profit percentage and only use the trailing stop-short to close a short position.
  • short_stop_loss_trailing_percentage: (float)
  • short_use_actual_profit: (int) When enabled the actual profit calculation is used for percentage profit calculation and for the trailing stop-short.
  • stop_loss: (int) Enable stop-loss orders. Your coins will be sold with a loss if they go lower than the percentage configured.
  • stop_loss_ask_percentage: (float) If you want to sell your coin for more profit than its current market rate, you can set a percentage here. For example if the highest bid for a coin is 1 and you configure 1 (%) higher ask here, it will place a sell order for the price of 1.01. If you enable this you should also check that your 'Max open time sell' is long enough.
  • stop_loss_ask_percentage_type: (string) Possible options: [lower, higher]
  • stop_loss_percentage: (float) Enter the percentage for your stop-loss orders, enter as a positive number. For example if you want to sell your coins when the price drops lower than -2.5%, you would enter 2.5 here.
  • stop_loss_trailing: (int) This will trail the profit percentage upwards, tracking a position that is gaining until the price starts to go down, after which the position is sold. Read more about how to configure trailing stop-loss in our knowledge base.
  • stop_loss_trailing_arm: (float) Your hopper will be armed to sell your coin if it hits this % profit. i.e: if you set this to 3%, and your coin hits 3% profit, it will be prepared to sell if it later drops to your chosen 'Sell trailing-stop-Loss' %.
  • stop_loss_trailing_only: (int) When enabled this will disable the take profit percentage and only use the trailing stop-loss to sell a position.
  • stop_loss_trailing_percentage: (float) Your hopper will try sell if your coin price drops by this amount and your coin has been armed to sell.
  • strategy: (string) Choose a strategy for the hopper. The default strategy is Multiple TA Factors. If you do not configure your in advanced Multiple TA settings your hopper will use default settings which are not adapted to changing market conditions.
  • strategy_sell_in_profit: (int) Only sell with strategy in profit.
  • strategy_sell_in_profit_percentage: (float) Only sell with strategy if profit is higher than this percentage.
  • ticker_type: (string) The market where you want to do market making on.
  • trailing_buy: (int) This will trail the profit percentage upwards, tracking a position that is gaining until the price starts to go down, after which the position is sold. Read more about how to configure trailing stop-loss in our knowledge base.
  • trailing_buy_percentage: (float) Enter the trailing stop-buy percentage. For example 1.5 (%). If the currency then goes up 1.5% or more when trailing down, the trailing stop-buy will go in effect and buy the currency for the current rate. This can increase your potential profit later, as you buy at a lower price, but can also cause your buy order to fail if the rate of the coin only goes up after the buy signal.
  • trailing_stop_loss_profit: (int) When enabled this will check if the position is being sold with profit when trailing stop-loss is being triggered. If trailing stop-loss would sell a position with loss, the sell order will not be placed.
  • trailing_stop_loss_reset: (int) When enabled this will reset the trailing stop-loss after a trailing stop-loss sell order is cancelled.
  • walletscrubber_auto: (int) The wallet scrubber will automatically create limit buy orders, filling the coins with small amounts to balance to a point the exchange accepts it as a trading pair
  • walletscrubber_leftovers: (int) The wallet scrubber takes the leftover amount (dust) and creates a limit buy order, filling that particular balance to a point the exchange accepts it as a trading pair
  • walletscrubber_noopen: (int) When enabled the wallet scrubber will keep on trying to sell the balances and not leave open positions when the orders are being cancelled.

Arbitrage hopper

Arbitrage hopper from Cryptohopper.


  • arbitrage_buy_amount: (float)
  • arbitrage_buy_sell_amounts: (json) Here you can configure the arbitrage amounts for each market
  • arbitrage_min_profit: (float) The minimum profit you want to make on an arbitrage trade.
  • arbitrage_only_allowed_coins: (int)
  • arbitrage_trading_fee: (float)
  • buy_amount: (float)
  • maker_fee_binance: (float) Taker fee in percentage (for example: 0.15)
  • maker_fee_binanceus: (float) Taker fee in percentage (for example: 0.15)
  • maker_fee_bitfinex: (float) Taker fee in percentage (for example: 0.15)
  • maker_fee_bittrex: (float) Taker fee in percentage (for example: 0.15)
  • maker_fee_bitvavo: (float) Taker fee in percentage (for example: 0.15)
  • maker_fee_gdax: (float) Taker fee in percentage (for example: 0.15)
  • maker_fee_huobi: (float) Taker fee in percentage (for example: 0.15)
  • maker_fee_kraken: (float) Taker fee in percentage (for example: 0.15)
  • maker_fee_kucoin: (float) Taker fee in percentage (for example: 0.15)
  • maker_fee_okex: (float) Taker fee in percentage (for example: 0.15)
  • maker_fee_poloniex: (float) Taker fee in percentage (for example: 0.15)
  • market_arbitrage_order_sequence: (str) Select in which sequence you want your market arbitrage orders to be placed (possible options: [chronological, sametime, sametime_only]).
  • market_arbitrage_order_type: (str) Select the order type for market arbitrage orders: limit or market orders (possible options: [limit, market]).
  • max_arbitrage_open_time: (int) The number of minutes an arbitrage remains open before the arbitrage is cancelled.
  • max_concurrent_arbitrage: (int) Enter the maximum number of simultaneous/concurrent arbitrages. The minimum is 1 and the maximum is 5.
  • max_concurrent_market_arbitrage: (int) Enter the maximum number of simultaneous/concurrent arbitrages. The minimum is 1 and the maximum is 5.
  • max_market_arbitrage_open_time: (int) The number of minutes an arbitrage remains open before the arbitrage is cancelled.
  • minimum_profit_market_arbitrage: (float) Minimum profit in percentage
  • revert_orders: (int) Select if you want to revert cancelled and failed arbitrage orders. If for example a sell is successful and a buy order is cancelled, the buy order will be placed again at a different price and the profit/loss will be recalculated (possible options: [0: Do nothing, 1: Revert if possible, otherwise retry, 2: Retry if possible, otherwise revert]).
  • revert_orders_max_loss: (double) If configured, the hopper will revert/retry the position in the backlog that are above this percentage. If the position is below the maximum loss %, the Hopper won’t try to revert/retry the position.
  • selected_markets: (json)
  • sell_amount: (float)
  • sell_percentage_arbitrage: (float) Set the percentage which it should use to create the amounts which are being traded.
  • stop_arbitrage: (int) To stop arbitrage
  • taker_fee_binance: (float) Maker fee in percentage (for example: 0.15)
  • taker_fee_binanceus: (float) Maker fee in percentage (for example: 0.15)
  • taker_fee_bitfinex: (float) Maker fee in percentage (for example: 0.15)
  • taker_fee_bittrex: (float) Maker fee in percentage (for example: 0.15)
  • taker_fee_bitvavo: (float) Maker fee in percentage (for example: 0.15)
  • taker_fee_gdax: (float) Maker fee in percentage (for example: 0.15)
  • taker_fee_huobi: (float) Maker fee in percentage (for example: 0.15)
  • taker_fee_kraken: (float) Maker fee in percentage (for example: 0.15)
  • taker_fee_kucoin: (float) Maker fee in percentage (for example: 0.15)
  • taker_fee_okex: (float) Maker fee in percentage (for example: 0.15)
  • taker_fee_poloniex: (float) Maker fee in percentage (for example: 0.15)
  • use_highest_bid: (string)
  • use_highest_bid_market_arbitrage: (str) Use highest bid (possible options: [lowestAsk, highestBid, last])
  • use_lowest_ask: (string)
  • use_lowest_ask_market_arbitrage: (str) Use lowest ask (possible options: [lowestAsk, highestBid, last])

Market making hopper

Market making hopper from Cryptohopper.


  • ask_position: (float) Enter the position of the orderbook where you would like to place your sell order.
  • ask_position_2: (float) Enter the position of the orderbook where you would like to place your sell order.
  • ask_position_3: (float) Enter the position of the orderbook where you would like to place your sell order.
  • ask_position_4: (float) Enter the position of the orderbook where you would like to place your sell order.
  • ask_position_5: (float) Enter the position of the orderbook where you would like to place your sell order.
  • ask_position_downtrend: (float) Enter the position of the orderbook where you would like to place your sell order.
  • ask_position_downtrend_2: (float) Enter the position of the orderbook where you would like to place your sell order.
  • ask_position_downtrend_3: (float) Enter the position of the orderbook where you would like to place your sell order.
  • ask_position_downtrend_4: (float) Enter the position of the orderbook where you would like to place your sell order.
  • ask_position_downtrend_5: (float) Enter the position of the orderbook where you would like to place your sell order.
  • ask_position_uptrend: (float) Enter the position of the orderbook where you would like to place your sell order.
  • ask_position_uptrend_2: (float) Enter the position of the orderbook where you would like to place your sell order.
  • ask_position_uptrend_3: (float) Enter the position of the orderbook where you would like to place your sell order.
  • ask_position_uptrend_4: (float) Enter the position of the orderbook where you would like to place your sell order.
  • ask_position_uptrend_5: (float) Enter the position of the orderbook where you would like to place your sell order.
  • autocancel_time: (int) It automatically closes a position after a certain time has passed, which can range from 1 minute to 6 months (time in seconds)
  • autocancel_time_downtrend: (int) Enter the period after which orders should be cancelled in a downtrend market trend. The market maker bot will automatically cancel the orders after this configured period. Minimum time is 30 seconds, maximum time is 99 days.
  • autocancel_time_uptrend: (int) Enter the period after which orders should be cancelled in a uptrend market trend. The market maker bot will automatically cancel the orders after this configured period. Minimum time is 30 seconds, maximum time is 99 days.
  • autocancel_time_val: (string)
  • autocancel_time_val_downtrend: (str) Value type possible values: [seconds, minutes, hours, days]
  • autocancel_time_val_uptrend: (str) Value type possible values: [seconds, minutes, hours, days]
  • automatic_backlog: (int) When enabled market maker orders which are failed or cancelled will be automatically moved to your backlog.
  • automatic_match_backlog: (int) When enabled market maker orders moved to the backlog will be automatically matched together if it will result in a correct and successful match: same amounts, same price or profitable.
  • bid_position: (float) Enter the position of the orderbook where you would like to place your buy order.
  • bid_position_2: (float) Enter the position of the orderbook where you would like to place your buy order.
  • bid_position_3: (float) Enter the position of the orderbook where you would like to place your buy order.
  • bid_position_4: (float) Enter the position of the orderbook where you would like to place your buy order.
  • bid_position_5: (float) Enter the position of the orderbook where you would like to place your buy order.
  • bid_position_downtrend: (float) Enter the position of the orderbook where you would like to place your buy order.
  • bid_position_downtrend_2: (float) Enter the position of the orderbook where you would like to place your buy order.
  • bid_position_downtrend_3: (float) Enter the position of the orderbook where you would like to place your buy order.
  • bid_position_downtrend_4: (float) Enter the position of the orderbook where you would like to place your buy order.
  • bid_position_downtrend_5: (float) Enter the position of the orderbook where you would like to place your buy order.
  • bid_position_uptrend: (float) Enter the position of the orderbook where you would like to place your buy order.
  • bid_position_uptrend_2: (float) Enter the position of the orderbook where you would like to place your buy order.
  • bid_position_uptrend_3: (float) Enter the position of the orderbook where you would like to place your buy order.
  • bid_position_uptrend_4: (float) Enter the position of the orderbook where you would like to place your buy order.
  • bid_position_uptrend_5: (float) Enter the position of the orderbook where you would like to place your buy order.
  • buy_amount_2: (float) The buy amount with which the market orders will be placed.
  • buy_amount_3: (float) The buy amount with which the market orders will be placed.
  • buy_amount_4: (float) The buy amount with which the market orders will be placed.
  • buy_amount_5: (float) The buy amount with which the market orders will be placed.
  • buy_amount_downtrend: (double) The buy amount with which the market orders will be placed.
  • buy_amount_downtrend_2: (double) The buy amount with which the market orders will be placed.
  • buy_amount_downtrend_3: (double) The buy amount with which the market orders will be placed.
  • buy_amount_downtrend_4: (double) The buy amount with which the market orders will be placed.
  • buy_amount_downtrend_5: (double) The buy amount with which the market orders will be placed.
  • buy_amount_uptrend: (double) The buy amount with which the market orders will be placed.
  • buy_amount_uptrend_2: (double) The buy amount with which the market orders will be placed.
  • buy_amount_uptrend_3: (double) The buy amount with which the market orders will be placed.
  • buy_amount_uptrend_4: (double) The buy amount with which the market orders will be placed.
  • buy_amount_uptrend_5: (double) The buy amount with which the market orders will be placed.
  • cancel_on_depth: (int) When enabled you can auto cancel orders when the there are an X configured better bids or asks above or below your configured price in the orderbook.
  • cancel_on_depth_limit: (double) Enter the depth limit on which you want to cancel your orders. Minimum is 1, maximum is 500.
  • cancel_on_percentage: (int) When enabled you can auto cancel orders when the market changes with X percent in X amount of time. This will only cancel orders that older than the configured period of time.
  • cancel_on_percentage_count: (int) Select the period (candle) of the time to measure the change. Make sure to set your autocancel time longer than this configured period. Minimum is 1 minute, maximum is 24 hours.
  • cancel_on_percentage_val: (string) Select the period (candle) of the time to measure the change. Make sure to set your autocancel time longer than this configured period [hours, minutes].
  • cancel_on_time: (int) When enabled you can auto cancel orders after the configured amount of time.
  • cancel_on_trend: (int) When enabled you can auto cancel orders when the market trend changes and you have enabled this market trend configuration.
  • cancel_only_unfilled: (int) When enabled only market maker orders will be cancelled which are not filled. For example: if a buy is filled and a corresponding sell is not, then the sell will not be cancelled.
  • cancel_percentage_change: (int) Enter the percent change.
  • enable_market_downtrend: (int) Select the order sequence you want to do: buy and sell at the same time, first buy then sell, or first sell then buy (possible options: [sametime, buyfirst, sellfirst, donotbuy]).
  • enable_market_uptrend: (int) Enable market uptrend
  • enable_take_profit: (int)
  • higher_ask: (float) If configured the ask/sell price of the sell order will be increased with this percentage.
  • higher_ask_2: (float) If configured the ask/sell price of the sell order will be increased with this percentage.
  • higher_ask_3: (float) If configured the ask/sell price of the sell order will be increased with this percentage.
  • higher_ask_4: (float) If configured the ask/sell price of the sell order will be increased with this percentage.
  • higher_ask_5: (float) If configured the ask/sell price of the sell order will be increased with this percentage.
  • higher_ask_downtrend: (double) If configured the ask/sell price of the sell order will be increased with this percentage.
  • higher_ask_downtrend_2: (double) If configured the ask/sell price of the sell order will be increased with this percentage.
  • higher_ask_downtrend_3: (double) If configured the ask/sell price of the sell order will be increased with this percentage.
  • higher_ask_downtrend_4: (double) If configured the ask/sell price of the sell order will be increased with this percentage.
  • higher_ask_downtrend_5: (double) If configured the ask/sell price of the sell order will be increased with this percentage.
  • higher_ask_uptrend: (double) If configured the ask/sell price of the sell order will be increased with this percentage.
  • higher_ask_uptrend_2: (double) If configured the ask/sell price of the sell order will be increased with this percentage.
  • higher_ask_uptrend_3: (double) If configured the ask/sell price of the sell order will be increased with this percentage.
  • higher_ask_uptrend_4: (double) If configured the ask/sell price of the sell order will be increased with this percentage.
  • higher_ask_uptrend_5: (double) If configured the ask/sell price of the sell order will be increased with this percentage.
  • lower_bid: (float) If configured the bid/buy price of the buy order will be increased with this percentage.
  • lower_bid_2: (float) If configured the bid/buy price of the buy order will be increased with this percentage.
  • lower_bid_3: (float) If configured the bid/buy price of the buy order will be increased with this percentage.
  • lower_bid_4: (float) If configured the bid/buy price of the buy order will be increased with this percentage.
  • lower_bid_5: (float) If configured the bid/buy price of the buy order will be increased with this percentage.
  • lower_bid_downtrend: (double) If configured the bid/buy price of the buy order will be increased with this percentage.
  • lower_bid_downtrend_2: (double) If configured the bid/buy price of the buy order will be increased with this percentage.
  • lower_bid_downtrend_3: (double) If configured the bid/buy price of the buy order will be increased with this percentage.
  • lower_bid_downtrend_4: (double) If configured the bid/buy price of the buy order will be increased with this percentage.
  • lower_bid_downtrend_5: (double) If configured the bid/buy price of the buy order will be increased with this percentage.
  • lower_bid_uptrend: (double) If configured the bid/buy price of the buy order will be increased with this percentage.
  • lower_bid_uptrend_2: (double) If configured the bid/buy price of the buy order will be increased with this percentage.
  • lower_bid_uptrend_3: (double) If configured the bid/buy price of the buy order will be increased with this percentage.
  • lower_bid_uptrend_4: (double) If configured the bid/buy price of the buy order will be increased with this percentage.
  • lower_bid_uptrend_5: (double) If configured the bid/buy price of the buy order will be increased with this percentage.
  • market: (string) Type of market (ex: BTCETH, depends on exchange)
  • minimum_spread: (float) Enter the minimum spread percentage you want to reach with your orders. If you leave this empty, then the hopper will not check for a minimum spread.
  • minimum_spread_uptrend: (float) Enter the minimum spread percentage you want to reach with your orders. If you leave this empty, then the hopper will not check for a minimum spread.
  • order_positioning: (str) Here you can select how you want to place your orders, how you want to do your pricing (possible options: [percentage, position, alwaysontop]).
  • order_positioning_downtrend: (int) Here you can select how you want to place your orders, how you want to do your pricing.
  • order_positioning_uptrend: (int) Here you can select how you want to place your orders, how you want to do your pricing.
  • order_sequence: (string) Select the order sequence you want to do: buy and sell at the same time, first buy then sell, or first sell then buy (possible options: [sametime, buyfirst, sellfirst, donotbuy]).
  • order_sequence_downtrend: (string) When enabled you can auto cancel orders when the market changes with X percent in X amount of time. This will only cancel orders that older than the configured period of time.
  • order_sequence_uptrend: (string) Select the order sequence you want to do: buy and sell at the same time, first buy then sell, or first sell then buy (possible options: [sametime, buyfirst, sellfirst, donotbuy]).
  • revert_orders_downtrend: (str) Possible options: [donotrevert, bbo, useconfig, sellbo, buybb, sellbb, buybo]
  • revert_orders_neutral: (str) Possible options: [donotrevert, bbo, useconfig, sellbo, buybb, sellbb, buybo]
  • revert_orders_only_profit: (int) Only revert orders with profit
  • revert_orders_order_type: (str) Select the order type for reverting cancelled orders: limit or market orders possible options: [limit, market]
  • revert_orders_uptrend: (str) Possible options: [donotrevert, bbo, useconfig, sellbo, buybb, sellbb, buybo]
  • sell_amount_2: (float) The sell amount with which the market orders will be placed. If you leave this empty, the buy amount value will be used.
  • sell_amount_3: (float) The sell amount with which the market orders will be placed. If you leave this empty, the buy amount value will be used.
  • sell_amount_4: (float) The sell amount with which the market orders will be placed. If you leave this empty, the buy amount value will be used.
  • sell_amount_5: (float) The sell amount with which the market orders will be placed. If you leave this empty, the buy amount value will be used.
  • sell_amount_downtrend: (double) The sell amount with which the market orders will be placed. If you leave this empty, the buy amount value will be used.
  • sell_amount_downtrend_2: (double) The sell amount with which the market orders will be placed. If you leave this empty, the buy amount value will be used.
  • sell_amount_downtrend_3: (double) The sell amount with which the market orders will be placed. If you leave this empty, the buy amount value will be used.
  • sell_amount_downtrend_4: (double) The sell amount with which the market orders will be placed. If you leave this empty, the buy amount value will be used.
  • sell_amount_downtrend_5: (double) The sell amount with which the market orders will be placed. If you leave this empty, the buy amount value will be used.
  • sell_amount_uptrend: (double) The sell amount with which the market orders will be placed. If you leave this empty, the buy amount value will be used.
  • sell_amount_uptrend_2: (double) The sell amount with which the market orders will be placed. If you leave this empty, the buy amount value will be used.
  • sell_amount_uptrend_3: (double) The sell amount with which the market orders will be placed. If you leave this empty, the buy amount value will be used.
  • sell_amount_uptrend_4: (double) The sell amount with which the market orders will be placed. If you leave this empty, the buy amount value will be used.
  • sell_amount_uptrend_5: (double) The sell amount with which the market orders will be placed. If you leave this empty, the buy amount value will be used.
  • stop_loss_lower_limit: (double) Configure the lower limit in with which you want to stop trading.
  • stop_loss_upper_limit: (double) Configure the upper limit in with which you want to stop trading.
  • total_order_layers: (int) Create multiple layers of orders with different buy/sell amounts and spreads.
  • total_order_layers_downtrend: (int) Create multiple layers of orders with different buy/sell amounts and spreads.
  • total_order_layers_uptrend: (int) Create multiple layers of orders with different buy/sell amounts and spreads.
  • trend_change_downtrend_neutral: (int) Possible options: [cancelall, cancelsell, cancelbuy]
  • trend_change_downtrend_uptrend: (string) Possible options: [cancelall, cancelsell, cancelbuy]
  • trend_change_neutral_downtrend: (string) Possible options: [cancelall, cancelsell, cancelbuy]
  • trend_change_neutral_uptrend: (string) Possible options: [cancelall, cancelsell, cancelbuy]
  • trend_change_uptrend_downtrend: (string) Possible options: [cancelall, cancelsell, cancelbuy]
  • trend_change_uptrend_neutral: (str) Possible options: [cancelall, cancelsell, cancelbuy]